When you join a club, there are lot so things you may need help with, and while not all answer are available in one place, one can find some answers for parents in PlayMetrics. Simply log in, and you will see a tab at the bottom of your phone that says Resources or the left of your desktop browser that says Club Resources. You will find some Featured Resources as well as a folder called Parent Resources with information on how to used playmetrics as a parent or how update your credit card payment method and more.
Players and parents/guardians are expected to:
Players and parents/guardians are expected to attend team meetings as requested by the club and respective coaching staff.
Parents/guardians are expected to behave in an appropriate manner at all team and club events and should:
Parents/guardians should avoid the following:
Should you have any concerns, players and parents/guardians should feel free to contact their respective coaching staff. Should discussing a concern with the coaching staff not be sufficient, players and parents/guardians are recommended to contact via email the Club Director or Director of Coaching at their location. Players and parents/guardians should avoid speaking to a coach immediately before or after a game.
If parents/guardians or players cannot follow these guidelines, the coach or the club may take necessary action.
Parents should remember that when a player willingly participates in sports, it is for the enjoyment of the player not the parent. Please encourage your player to compete, adhere to all rules, and resolve all conflicts amicably and without any hostility. Reminding your player that development in soccer is a marathathon-like process, full of many ups and downs, will assist them in enjoying success and dealing with setbacks.
Updated: April 2024
Club Ohio Training Center
6923 Rings Rd., Dublin, OH 43017
All checks or payments should be sent to Dayton PO Box below. Do not send them to the training center.
Club Ohio Treasurer
P.O. Box 166
Bellbrook, OH 45305
Kristen Chittum - Club Registrar
Costa Kalorides - General Manager
JD Hartwell - North Managing Director
James Norman - East Managing Director
Nate Black - United Managing Director
Sandy Poole - Club Treasurer & Dayton Managing Director
Steve Dawson - Club Director of Coaching
Jon Heath - Director of IT & Operations
© 2023 Club Ohio Soccer. All rights reserved. Website designed and developed by Dot The i Creative.